Welcome to let's make it happen!

Enjoy your life to the full by connecting and communicating honestly and efficiently, with yourself and with others! Being aware of who you are, what your purpose is and taking responsibility for making it happen!

My intention in this blog is to share with you facts, ideas, thoughts picked up from my experience as accredited motivational life-coach and NLP practitioner, as Editor, Writer, Presentor, from the self development books I read, reflections on my personal experiences in my professional and private life!

Each week will bring a new theme we can ponder on with view to living a vibrant, meaningful and fantastic life! I welcome all comments and exchanges!


Monday, 29 November 2010

Step 1: Write it down, make it happen

So here we go! The first Step to recognising and harnessing your Motivation, to bring about whichever change you want to make!

Write it down, make it happen. The title I have given this Step comes from an excellent book of that name by Henriette Anne Klauser.
So the first step to making it happen is to actually write it down.Does this sound scolarly? patronising? Maybe even daunting? Bear with me...
So why write?
To convert a dream or a wish into reality, you need to make it REAL. Ink on paper is real.This is your first step to committing. It is one thing to talk about making changes but to actually commit them to paper is a large step.
I recommend my clients buy a "Glorious You" notebook (call it whatever inspires you!), something you like the look of. It will help to gather thoughts,to specify what you want (will be coming to that later), mark achievements, list doubts...etc This is your map and your journey to getting what you want.

Another reason that writing it down is so important is that it alerts your Reticular Activity System. This is our filtering system. It helps us make sense of the overwhelming amount of information our body receives every second (up to 2 million pieces of information!!). Our active brain can only deal with 7 pieces of information (plus or minus 2) simultaneously. So we have three clever ways of coping with this overflow.
We generalise, we distort and we delete anything which is not relevant at the time. Our filter will send all that is important to us (our priorities) to our active brain and the rest will be stored in our subconscious. By writing down what you want, you are telling your brain filter that this is something important to you.It is emphasising what we concentrate on. Thinking of buying a new car? Suddenly you see that brand everywhere, thinking of starting a family, suddenly there are pregnant women everywhere. Our focus has changed and we pick up more relevant signs. Words pop out of newspapers, we hear something on the radio...all these things were there yesterday but your filter was deleting them. So write it down so your filter is clear that all things relevant to the topic are now your priority and it will help you gather information to move in that direction.

So go on out and get yourself a notebook, and WRITE!!!
This is for you,it does not need to be shared or in competition for the next Nobel prize! How organised or not, how correctly spelled or not does not matter, it is for YOU. Your friend and ally.You will be able to see clearly what is working and what isn't, and encourage yourself on the lower days by seeing all the gains you have already made!

Once you have this useful tool in hand, we go on next week to Step 2 which is: determining what it is you want!!!

Happy shopping and here is to making it happen!!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

8 Steps to recognising and harnessing your motivation

In Spring last year, a friend nutritionist and I held a workshop on "Fit, Firm and Focussed" for the Summer which involved a part on nutrition provided by Wendy Derijk and a part on motivation presented by yours truly.
Though this presentation was geared at losing weight and getting fit, the 8 Steps I developed can be applied to any issue you want to change.
And I thought: why keep them for yourself? So at the suspense induced rate of one step a week I shall take you through them!

Because basically, regarding any change we wish to induce, there is no rocket science, it all comes down to motivation. The short and clear formula is the following: your motivation to make that change has to be stronger than your desire to continue doing what you have been doing."If we do what we always did, we get what we always got"! Seems logical looked at like that yet how many of us just keep on trying the way we have and are surprised we are still failing? Its hitting your head against a wall yet we keep on doing it! Albert Einstein said something along the lines that a problem can not be solved with the same mindset which created it in the first place. Very true and very wise.
Yet another mindset implies a degree of change and we are creatures of habit. Change is scary. Better the devil you know... So to change we need to be creative, and think in a new way, from a new perspective, we need to be brave and willing to step outside our comfort zone and face the unknown or the untried and to do that we need to be fuelled by our motivation!

So now the stage is set, next week I will take you to step 1: The power of writing!

Wishing you all a fun and fruitful week full of gratitude and self development!
Here's to making it happen!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Training our brain to see through the rain!

Considering we are now in November and that in my present neck of the woods (glorious Potsdam in Germany) we have had quite a lot of rain recently, I thought this title quite appropriate indeed!
So, following up from where I left it last week and the idea that we can train our brain to look at the bright side of life and every situation, in order to feel more empowered, confident and assertive.This week I would like to share some practical tips!
- Know yourself ! See the Star in you! Grant yourself 30 minutes of your time to actually sit down and take stock of all the great things about you. What is great about your mind? Your heart? Your spirit? Your body? What great skills do you have? These do not need to be Nobel prize winning, often the little things are the big things. Maybe your mind is great at reading, writing, imagination or you have a great sense of humour? Maybe your heart is caring, friendly, patient. Maybe your body is fit, healthy or you have lovely hair or eyes? Maybe your spirit is honest, fair, resilient? Maybe you have great cooking skills, gardening skills, singing in the shower skills? We tend to focus on what is missing and compare ourselves negatively to others which actually demotivates us. Feeling good about who we are gives us the confidence to want to develop further and we are then more able to reach out to others.
- Be grateful for what you have. Every night when you go to bed say thank you for five things you are grateful for that day. Even after a bad day, you can always find five things, however small to be grateful for. Especially after a bad day, add in to your mental bedtime story, one thing you can do to make tomorow even better.
- Start your day with some powerful morning questions, you dont need to get up extra early it can be in bed, in the shower, brushing your teeth: just train your brain to look at what is positive. What am I excited about in my life right now? What am I proud about at the moment? What do I enjoy the most in my life right now? What am I committed to right now?

OK, that is enough to start with. Even if you only manage to start with incorporating one of each of these in your daily routine you are moving towards the sunshine!

So what do I see through the rain? ... Nature is getting its drink, the snails come out to play, the streets and my car get a much needed wash, the colours become more vibrant, lovely earthy mother nature smells unfold, we get to cuddle up around a cup of tea and I get to wear my new fancy rubber boots!!!!

Here's to a vibrant life: let's make it happen!