Welcome to let's make it happen!

Enjoy your life to the full by connecting and communicating honestly and efficiently, with yourself and with others! Being aware of who you are, what your purpose is and taking responsibility for making it happen!

My intention in this blog is to share with you facts, ideas, thoughts picked up from my experience as accredited motivational life-coach and NLP practitioner, as Editor, Writer, Presentor, from the self development books I read, reflections on my personal experiences in my professional and private life!

Each week will bring a new theme we can ponder on with view to living a vibrant, meaningful and fantastic life! I welcome all comments and exchanges!


Friday, 25 February 2011

Step 8 (final one): Feedback, reward, persistence

Hello everyone and hopefully you have manged to follow the 8 steps to discovering and harnessing your motivation amongst my additional postings!
Step 8 is the last one of that series and has to do with MAINTAINING your motivation once you have discovered and harnessed it!
This has to do with keeping on track, maintaining focus on that which you want to achieve.
Use your book to track what works and what doesnt. Should you slip (and we all do), the most important thing is to examine lucidly what happened: what was the trigger, what were the circumstances and LEARN from it. Too many people are so angry at themselves for having slipped, they are prepared to give everything up! WRONG!!! There is no failure, only feedback. So what did you learn? Welcome this opportunity of having learnt more about yourself.
Keep track also of your ACHIEVEMENTS, however small they may be. We are often so busy beating ourselves up for everything that went wrong that we overlook all the times we did overcome. Acknowledging these achievements will make you feel good and fuel your motivation which is also why it is better to reach little steps and congratulate yourself than try huge ones where you risk landing on your nose with a stab to your confidence and motivation. Behaviour that is rewarded will more often be repeated.
I have been asked what sort of reward? Well that is really up to you and in no way needs to be extravagant, just a kind gesture to yourself, it is more about the message than the content!
PERSEVERE. Sometimes we seem to be doing everything right but are still not getting the result we want. Dont give up. Stay focused and confident that you are doing the right thing, stay centred, trusting the results are on their way.

Well that was the final installment on my 8 Step Methodology. One last reminder: YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE, make it the RIGHT one!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Step 7: Take MASSIVE Action!!!!

Mmmmmm... this is the bit where quite a few start shuffling on their seat feeling uncomfortable. All the defining and planning was useful and eye opening, but now actually having to do something?
Yes you do. "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got". As simple as that.
This is not about making a vague wish and sitting there waiting for it to happen. Because you know what? The probability it happens is not very high. Yes, you ask, yes you believe and trust it will happen but you also have to DO everything in your ability to make it happen! But the Good News is that your Fairy Godmother, the one person who can change that dream into a reality is not very far.
It is YOU. Only you. Your focus. Your WILL POWER fuelled by that deep motivation we anchored before.
Feel it! Get excited about what you are doing!
You can't wait to start implementing the changes, to face up to the temptations and win over the saboteur voice. Its just you speaking to you so make sure you choose the right words!
Welcome the pain, the uncomfort, the resistance knowing you are overcoming , secure in your power to win. Not sure I totally endorse the "No pain, no gain" but welcome the proof you are doing something different: you are on track to the new you!
However it is not about stressing and obsessing the whole time.

INTENTION: Know what you want
ATTENTION: Doing all it takes
LACK OF TENSION: Just letting it flow, reins in hand.

Now that feels great doesnt it?

Next week we will talk about rewarding to keep on track!

Let's make it happen!