Strange question maybe coming from a coach... The question arose in a coaching session about 10 years ago which was mostly centred on overwhelm and linked in to an increased awareness of her feeling of self -esteem and self-worth and served as cataclyst for needed changes...
We then called it the "body lotion test"and I have used it a few more times since then.
Obviously it is NOT about the body lotion as self, as you may not personally use any without it reflecting on your feeling of self worth. It was in the category of not essential hygiene like a shower or brushing teeth are, yet a routine that most (women at least) carry out which involves, caring for their body, literally being in touch with it and taking those additional 5 minutes to make them feel good and set them up for the challenges and tasks of the day ...
It is about caring about yourself so you in turn can care about others. If we do not respect ourselves, why should others?
It is not about being selfish, much the contrary, it is about a minimum effort to set ourselves up to being our personal best and being able to reach out to others from a position of plenty and peace...
So...Do YOU wear body lotion?
Welcome to let's make it happen!
Enjoy your life to the full by connecting and communicating honestly and efficiently, with yourself and with others! Being aware of who you are, what your purpose is and taking responsibility for making it happen!
My intention in this blog is to share with you facts, ideas, thoughts picked up from my experience as accredited motivational life-coach and NLP practitioner, as Editor, Writer, Presentor, from the self development books I read, reflections on my personal experiences in my professional and private life!
Each week will bring a new theme we can ponder on with view to living a vibrant, meaningful and fantastic life! I welcome all comments and exchanges!
My intention in this blog is to share with you facts, ideas, thoughts picked up from my experience as accredited motivational life-coach and NLP practitioner, as Editor, Writer, Presentor, from the self development books I read, reflections on my personal experiences in my professional and private life!
Each week will bring a new theme we can ponder on with view to living a vibrant, meaningful and fantastic life! I welcome all comments and exchanges!
Professionally written blogs are rare to find, however I appreciate all the points mentioned here. I also want to include some other writing skills which everyone must aware of.